I am, by nature, a very, very restless person. Can't sit still and have a whirlwind of a brain. And with that comes the constant worrying (and also proneness to being depressed). Add free flow of caffeine loaded coffee, stress is an understatement. I worry about everything - my exam (which is next week, eek!), my little sister, my girls, my money (which I don't have erkkk), oh the list is endless. I needed to take a breather.
So last night, I took 1 hour break from speed reading to de-stress a bit and sew myself this passport cover. And that fabric? Ooooohhhh...what a perfect way to sooth myself, so pretty! It's Kokka Trefle print in the most delicious, soothing combo of pink, grey and soft pistachio green. I bought it few months back from Sue at MyBotang ( pssst Sue! I want more! :D ).
I fussy cut the fabric to get that front print placement, and fussy cutting means lots of small leftover pieces. So I patched the sleeves inside with leftover pieces to get those lace border as shown. I also found an old Egyptair boarding pass in my passport so just to demonstrate, the picture showed how I could just slip it in the side pocket. Me, being a klutz (it's true, hubby would attest to that, he knows how clumsy his wife is lol), always misplaced stuff and the last thing I wanna lose at the airport is the boarding pass (it happened before! :P).
All in all, I can't believe I let my passport went naked all this while. This passport holder makes it look so much better and not to mention the girly print makes it chic! Errrmmm....now I really need to board a plane just to carry it, a vacation perhaps?? (hint hint hubby dearest!)
I am in better spirits now, happy to get back to immersing myself in books. Thank you for reading my friends and stay beautiful! :)