For the first time ever, I'm hosting a Sew Along. Grab the above button and come join us! :)
I was elated when I read that my dearest blog friend Dura is also an Ottobre fan. Since I have this magazine but hardly sew anything from it, we wanted to have a sew along so that we can help each other along the way, in case we're stuck. The designs in Ottobre are to die for, but the instructions can be challenging for a visual person like me.
So, I've decided to host this sew along.

For the first project, I've chosen a simple design but it comes with many possibilities. It is the Three Way Dress (no. 18) in the Summer 3/2009 Issue. Even though it's a summer pattern, the dress is designed for layering in cooler weather.

The best thing about this pattern is it comes in 3 variations. You can pick and choose which design you'd want to sew and go crazy on the fabric combinations! :)

This sew along is open to all Malaysian and International sewists who have this issue. Everyone is welcome, no matter where you are. We are hoping many more wonderful ladies would join and inspire us. Just email me or leave a comment here if you'd like to join us in the fun!
If you have a blog, please grab the button on top of this post and paste it with a link to this page so that others are aware about the sew along and perhaps would like to join us too.
I will feature the final pictures of your finished dresses in this blog (with your permission, of course). If you don't have a blog, no worries. Just email me the picture and I will include it in the feature.
Finally, as in any sew along, we need a dateline. As Dura and I are both working mothers, we figured a longer time frame would be better. This sew along ends on Sunday, 31st of January. I might extend the dateline if needs arise, always have to have some flexibility ;)
Till then, happy sewing!
good luck and have fun ladies... would love to join but never have Ottobre magazine and tak larat dah bila balik rumah... can't wait to see what you girls come up with...
ReplyDeleteZura,I'm in! (obviously, lol)
ReplyDeleteOh so fun, i will pop the cute button in my blog asap.
faizlily, if u don't have Otto mag, check out their website and u can browse & download their free patterns too. Thay hv nice pea pod purse pattern there :)
Oh this sounds like fun! I just started getting this magazine so I don't have this issue. I am going to put this button on my blog. And I will try to get a copy.
ReplyDeletealaaa... takde Ottobre magazine..
ReplyDeletehv fun ladies...
faizlily - perhaps in another sewalong you could join us ya? we have longer dateline, taking into account working ladies :)
ReplyDeletedura - if no one else join, I still have you, yeay! love your enthusiasm and am sure you'll come out with something fabulous knowing your style! :)
jenny - oh please do join us!! you always sew the cutest clothes, can't wait to see your interpretation of this pattern :)
maya - really wish ko join mai..tapi patern ni sempoi je pejam mata ko boleh jait mai hehe...
This sounds like so much fun but sadly i dont have any issues of that magazines.
ReplyDeleteAnyway enjoy it ladies :)
I just found your blog and I love it - so cool. I think we have a lot in common :-).
good luck! i have this issue and have made this dress, a staple wor cause my daugther loves it!
ReplyDeletewahhh sound fun.. but i pon takde magazine tu..
ReplyDeletejgn lupa upload finish product eh :)
mayya - perhaps one day we can sew along when you have the mag ya? I wish we're nearer, so many things to chit chat about sewing :)
ReplyDeletelindsay - thank you for visiting and commenting! I really appreciate it. I can see from your wonderful blog that yes we have many things in common :)
aida - I chose the simplest pattern, thought many must have already sewn this one lol. Relieved to hear it's kid friendly :)
hani - meh la datang umah i trace paten tu, boleh join sama hehe..alah bukan jauh pun kita ni ;)
ReplyDeleteahaaa.. idea menarik tu...
akan kufikirkan weeknd ni.. :)
do you know if we can sell items made from their awesome patterns?
ReplyDeletehani - no problem, if nak datang email je i bagi address hehe...
ReplyDeletejjkjchandler - I have no idea. But most sewing publication I know would state somewhere that we can't mass produced item made from the patterns. Some would also mention no commercial sale even in small scale. Not sure about Ottobre though, I have to go and read the small print to find out :)
kalau takde ottobre tak boleh join ke zura.. i just jahit ikut gambar yang you post tu. boleh ke
ReplyDeletekak haida - boleh je kalau akak boleh draf paten tu ikut gambar di, coz zura pilih paten paling basic ni hehe..maya pun nak wat camtu jom ah kak haida, jap lagi zura email gambar2 tu :)
ReplyDeletealaa...xde ottobre tu...
ReplyDeletesyoknye klu dpt join akak..huhuhu
hi zu! :) Kalau akak email gambar tu agak2 pandai tak tiru patennya? simple je dear :)
ReplyDeleteLeh gak zu try...
ReplyDeletetp almaklumla zu br berjinak dlm dunia jahit menjahit ni..
pape pun zu nk try gak..
akak emailkan pada zu ye...
tima kasih sgt2..huhu
syoknye klu leh join ...hihi
no problem zue..yang penting ada semangat nak menjait :) ermm...bagi email ya? tak jumpa pulak address nya :)
ReplyDeleteok...k.zura ni emailnya..lupa lak..
thanks akak..
nk join gak la ..tp tak de majalah tu.. camner?
ReplyDeletezura, i dah teme email instruciton 3 way dress tu..aduss sakit mata makcik!! halus tulisannya..mlm ni nk coba buat!!
ReplyDeletesalam. zura i dh post kt blog dress 3 way tu..i buat pattern A je.buat yg senang!
ReplyDeletezura sy nk join jugak...
ReplyDeletedh siap...
hi...how 2 join?
ReplyDeletestill open ker ni?. nak join gak...blh langgan ker majalah ottobre tu?
ReplyDeletestill open ker ni?. nak join gak...blh langgan ker majalah ottobre tu?
ReplyDeletenak join gak...
nak join gak...
nak join gak...
eh..ingatkan 2011..2010 rupenye,...huhuhu
ReplyDeleteeh..ingatkan 2011..2010 rupenye,...huhuhu